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How to Keep Your Plants Looking Their Best

How to Keep Your Plants Looking Their Best garden-1 garden-2 maintenance-1 meema-1

If your garden is looking good but not spectacular, and you are willing to put in a little extra care, here is what you can do to get your garden turning heads for all the right reasons.

Alphabetical Order – by Trade Name | Alphabetical Order – by Botanical Name

Plant Name Extra Care Details
Anigozanthos hybrid ‘Amber Velvet’ PBR • Use slow release native fertiliser in spring
• Remove older flower stems
• Cut back foliage every year, unless planted in bands between strappy leaf plants
Amethyst™ Liriope muscari ‘LIRTP’ PBR

• Use slow release fertiliser in spring

• Cut back to the ground annually in late winter

Aranda™ Dianella caerulea ‘DC150’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring
(if required)
• Cut back to half the height every 3 years
Aussie Flat Bush™ Rhagodia spinescens ‘SAB01’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring
(if required)
• Prune twice per year in gardens
Aussie Rambler™ Carpobrotus glaucescens ‘CAR10’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring
(if required)
• Prune when required

Autumn Amethyst™ Rhododendron hybrid ‘CONLEE’ PBR

Autumn Bravo™ Rhododendron hybrid ‘CONLEN’ PBR

Autumn Carnivale™ Rhododendron hybrid ‘CONLET’ PBR

Autumn Cheer™ Rhododendron hybrid ‘CONLEF’ PBR

Autumn Coral™ Rhododendron hybrid ‘CONLED’ PBR

Autumn Embers™ Rhododendron hybrid ‘CONLEB’ PBR

Autumn Empress™ Rhododendron hybrid ‘CONLES’ PBR

Autumn Monarch™ Rhododendron hybrid ‘CONLEO’ PBR

Autumn Princess™ Rhododendron hybrid ‘ROBLEA’ PBR

Autumn Royalty™ Rhododendron hybrid ‘CONLEC’ PBR

Autumn Ruby™ Rhododendron hybrid ‘CONLER’ PBR

Autumn Starlite™ Rhododendron hybrid

Autumn Twist™ Rhododendron hybrid ‘CONLEP’ PBR

• Water well for the first year to fully establish and become more drought tolerant
• Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• Prune after sping flowering
• Top up water in dry periods
Plant Name Extra Care Details
Baby Bliss® Dianella revoluta ‘DTN03’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring
• Remove older leaves as required
• Cut back to half the height annually
Bellissimo™ Correa reflexa ‘COR7’ PBR pending • Use slow release native fertiliser
• Prune once per year to maintain compact habit
• Once established – Low water requirements
Better John™ Callistemon viminalis ‘LJ1’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• For a tidy hedge – prune every 2 years
• For a natural shape – prune every 3-4 years
Blaze™ Dianella tasmanica ‘NPW2’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring
• Trim older leaves as required
• Cut back halfway every 3 years
Blue Gem™ Westringia hybrid ‘WES03” PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• For a tidy hedge/shape – prune up to 3 times per year
• For a natural shape – leave unpruned
Blush™ Nandina domestica ‘AKA’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• Prune to shape every 3 years
Brazilian Red Hots™ Alternanthera dentata ‘BRAZILIAN RED’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• Prune yearly to promote new growth
Breeze® Dianella caerulea ‘DCNC0’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in sprin (if required)
• Cut back to 1/3 the height every 3 years
Plant Name Extra Care Details
Cassa Blue® Dianella caerulea ‘DBB03’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• Remove older leaves as required
• Cut back to halfway every 3 years
Cherry Cluster™ Grevillea rhyolitica x juniperina ‘TWD01’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser sparingly
• Prune every 2 years
Chocomint Mist™ Phormium tenax ‘PHOS4’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• Remove older foliage as required
• Cut back to half the height every 2 years
• Requires watering in summer
Clarity Blue™ Dianella hybrid‘DP401’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser after the first 2 months
• Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• Trim older leaves annually
Agapanthus orientalis ‘Cloudy Days’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• Remove older leaves and spent flower stems (as required)
Coastal Pink™ Correa alba ‘COR10’ PBR pending • Use slow release native fertiliser
• Prune once per year to maintain a semi-compact habit
• Prune twice per year for a really tidy appearance
• Can be pruned to a desired shape
Cosmic Pink™ Rhaphiolepis indica ‘RAPH02’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• Prune to shape twice per year after flowering
Cosmic White™ Rhaphiolepis indica ‘RAPH01’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• Prune to shape every 2 years after flowering
Crimson Tide™ Correa pulchella ‘COR9’ PBR pending • Use slow release native fertiliser
• Prune yearly to maintain dense growth habit
• Prune twice per year for a manicured appearance
Crimson Villea™ Grevillea rosmarinifolia ‘H16’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser annually
• Prune annually for best performance
Plant Name Extra Care Details
Destiny® Dianella tasmanica ‘TAS100’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring
• Remove dead leaves as required
• Cut back every year
Double Gold™ Gazania hybrid ‘GT20’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• Trim after flowering (if required)
Dense Fence™ Viburnum odoratissimum ‘VOC1’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring
• Prune as required
Plant Name Extra Care Details
Emerald Arch® Dianella tasmanica ‘DT23’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring
• Trim older leaves as required
• Cut back half way every 3 years
Poa labillardieri ‘Eskdale’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring and/or autumn
• Trim back annually to 15cm above ground in autumn or late winter
Evergreen Baby™ Lomandra labill. ‘LM600’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• Cut back to 15cm above the ground every 3 years
• Occasional watering may be required in dry periods
Plant Name Extra Care Details
Feather Top™ Baloskion tetraphyllum • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• Cut back to half way every 3 years
Fire Bells™ Correa pulchella ‘COR11’ PBR Intended • Use slow release native fertiliser
• Prune yearly to maintain semi-compact habit
• Prune twice per year for a manicured appearance
Flamin’® Phormium tenax ‘PHOS3’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• Remove older leaves as required
• Cut back halfway every 4 years
• Avoid planting in summer for humid climates (like Sydney)
Flat Mat™ Trachelospermum asiaticum ‘FT01’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• Prune after flowering
Flirt™ Nandina domestica ‘MURASAKI’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• Prune every 3 years
Flora Burst™ Callistemon viminalis ‘CC06’ PBR • Prune at least once per year
• Prune more often if required
Free Fall™ Casuarina glauca prostrate ‘CAS01’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• Prune to tidy
Frilly Lace™ Lomandra multiflora ‘VER1’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• Remove old flower stems as required
• Prune down to 15cm above ground every 3 years
Plant Name Extra Care Details
Gold Cluster™ Grevillea juniperina ‘H22’ PBR • Use slow release native fertiliser sparingly
• Prune every 2 years
Anigozanthos hybrid ‘Gold Velvet’ PBR • Use slow release native fertiliser in spring
• Remove old flower stems as required
• Cut back foliage every year, unless planted in bands between strappy leaf plants
Green John™ Callistemon viminalis ‘LJ23’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• For a tidy hedge – prune every 2 years
• For a natural shape – prune every 3 years
Grey Box™ Westringia fruticosa ‘WES04’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• For a tidy hedge – prune up to 3 times per year
• For a natural shape – leave unpruned
Plant Name Extra Care Details
Isabella® Liriope muscari ‘LIRF’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• Mow/Cut back once per year in July/August
Plant Name Extra Care Details
Just Right® Liriope muscari ‘LIRJ’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• Trim older leaves as required
• Cut back every 4 years – will look better with more frequent pruning
Plant Name Extra Care Details
Katie Belles™ Lomandra hystrix ‘LHBYF’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• Cut back to 30cm above ground every 3 years
• Occasional watering may be required for dry inland regions (WA & SA)
Lomandra longifolia ‘Katrinus Deluxe’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• Cut back to half the height after 7 years
King Alfred® Dianella caerulea ‘JOHN316’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• Cut back to 15cm above ground every year
Kingsdale™ Poa poiformis ‘PP500’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring and/or autumn
• Trim back annually to 15cm above ground in autumn or late winter
Plant Name Extra Care Details
Lemon Squash™ Corymbia citriodora ‘COR81’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• Will respond well to pruning
• Protect from frost when young
Little Jess™Dianella caerulea ‘DCMP01’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• Cut back to half the height every 2 years (in gardens)
• Cut back to half the height every 4-8 years (roadsides)
Little Phil™ Philodendron species ‘PHIL01’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• Remove older leaves if necessary
• Protect from cold (colder parts of Australia)
Little Rev™ Dianella revoluta ‘DR5000’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• Cut back to 1/3 the height every 3 years
• Do not excessively irrigate
Little Ruby™ Alternanthera dentata ‘LRU30’ PBR • Keep moist in dry weather
• In areas affected by frost prune and fertilise at the following times of the year:
• VIC,SA,WA & Southern NSW – Early March
• Sydney & Central NSW – Late March
• Northern NSW, QLD & NT – Early April
• In frost affected areas, if leaf burn does occur over winter, prune affected foliage at beginning if spring
Lucia™ Dianella caerulea ‘DC101’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• Cut back to half the height every 4 years
Lucky Stripe™ Lomandra hystrix ‘LMV200’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring
• Cut back to 30cm above the ground every 3 years
• Occasional top up watering will be required in very dry conditions
Luscious® Tristaniopsis laurina ‘DOW10’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
Low Horizon™ Westringia fruticosa ‘WES06’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• Prune if required or as desired
Plant Name Extra Care Details
Macarthur™ Callistemon viminalis ‘LC01’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• For a tidy hedge or shape – prune up to 3 times per year
Meema™ Hardenbergia violacea ‘HB1’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• For a hedge – prune up to 3 times per year
• For a natural shape – prune once per year after flowering
Mundi™ Westringia fruticosa ‘WES05’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• For a tidy hedge or shape – prune up to 3 times per year after flowering
• For a natural shape – leave unpruned
Plant Name Extra Care Details
Nafray® Pennisetum alopecuroides ‘PA300’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in winter
• Trim back annually to 1/3 the size in late autumn or winter
Naringa™ Westringia hybrid ‘WES01’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• For a tidy hedge or shape – prune up to 3 times per year after flowering
• For a natural shape – leave unpruned
Neon Pink™ Iresine herbstii ‘HERBIE53’ PBR • Prune twice per year for best results
• Water when required
Nyalla® Lomandra longifolia ‘LM400’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• Cut back to 30cm above the ground every 3 years
Plant Name Extra Care Details
Obsession™ Nandina domestica ‘SEIKA’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• Prune every 3 years (if required)
O So Fine™ Gardenia augusta ‘KEN04’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• Trim up to 2 times per year
Ozbreed Aussie Box™ Westringia hybrid ‘WES08’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• For a tidy hedge or shape – prune up to 3 times per year after flowering
• For a natural shape – leave unpruned
Plant Name Extra Care Details
Pennstripe™ Pennisetum alopecuroides ‘PAV300’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in winter
• Trim back annually to 1/3 the size in late autumn to winter
Pink Pearl™ Liriope muscari ‘VS0001’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring
• Remove discoloured foliage as required
• In colder climates, cut back to the ground every year
• Will look better with yearly pruning
Pinnacle™ Syzgium australe ‘AATS’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• For a tidier hedge – prune yearly
• For a screen – prune every 2 years
Purple Fusion™ Scaevola humilis ‘PFS100’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• Trim once per year to keep tidy
Purple Lea® Pennisetum alopecuroides ‘PA400’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in late winter
• Trim back annually to 1/3 the size in late autumn to winter
Purple Pixie™ Loropetalum chinense ‘PEACK’ PBR • Fertilise in early spring
• Prune after flowering
Plant Name Extra Care Details
Queen Mum™ Agapanthus orientalis ‘PMN06’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• Remove older leaves and spent flower as required
Plant Name Extra Care Details
Rainbow Twist™ Dianella prunina ‘DVP308’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• Remove older foliage every year
Red Alert™ Callistemon viminalis ‘KPS38’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• For a tidier hedge/shape – prune up to 3 times per year after red new growth
Red Head™ Acmena smithii ‘BWNRED’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• For a tidier hedge – prune yearly
• For a screen or more natural shape – prune every 2 years
Anigozanthos hybrid ‘Regal Velvet’ PBR • Use slow release native fertiliser in spring
• Remove old flower stems
• Cut back foliage every year unless planted in bands between strappy leaf plants
Revelation® Dianella revoluta ‘DRG04’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• Cut back to 15cm above ground every 3 years
Ruby Green™ Dianella caerulea • Use slow release fertiliser in spring
• Remove older leaves as required
Ruby Velvet™ Anigozanthos hybrid • Use slow release native fertiliser in spring
• Remove old flower stems
• Cut back foliage every year unless planted in bands between strappy leaf plants
Plant Name Extra Care Details
Savanna Blue™ Lomandra filiformis ‘LMF500’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• Trim older leaves as required
• Cut back halfway every 3 years
Scarlet Flame™ Callistemon viminalis ‘CC19’ • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• For a tidier hedge – prune up to 2 times per year after flowering
• For a natural shape – prune every 2 years
Shooting Star™ Trachelospermum asiaticum ‘SJ01’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• Cut back to 15cm above ground every 3 years
Shara™ Lomandra fluviatilis ‘ABU7’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• Prune after flowering
• Best kept moist in dry weather
Silverlawn™ Liriope muscari ‘LIRSS’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• Cut back once per year in winter
Slim™ Callistemon viminalis ‘CV01’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• For a tidier hedge/shape – prune up to 3 times per year after flowering
Southern Cascade™ Lomandra hystrix ‘LHWP’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• Cut back to 30cm above ground every 3 years
• Occasional watering may be required for dry inland regions of WA & SA
Sublime™ Acmena smithii ‘DOW30’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• For a tidier hedge – prune yearly
• For a natural shape – prune every 2 years
Sweeper® Waterhousea floribunda ‘DOW20’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• Trim every 2 years
• Top up water in dry periods
Sweet Mist® Phormium tenax ‘PHOS02’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• Remove older foliage as required
• Cut back to half the height every 5 years
• Needs watering in summer
Plant Name Extra Care Details
Tanika® Lomandra longifolia ‘LM300’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• Cut back to 15cm above the ground every 3 years
Tasred® Dianella tasmanica ‘TR20’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• Trim older leaves as required
• Cut back halfway every 3 years
Trixibelle™ Correa reflexa ‘LMV100’ PBR • Fertilise with slow release native fertiliser
• For a tidy appearance – prune twice per year
• To maintain a compact habit – prune once per year
Tropic Cascade™ Lomandra hystrix ‘LHWP’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• Cut back to 30cm above ground every 3 years
Twizzler™ Lepironia articulata • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• Cut back to 20cm ground every 3 years
Plant Name Extra Care Details
Utopia® Dianella prunina ‘DP303’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• Remove older foliage as required
Plant Name Extra Care Details
Variegated Tanika™ Lomandra longifolia ‘NPW3’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring
• Trim to remove discoloured leaves
• Cut back 15cm above ground every year
Vintage Red™ Eucalyptus cladocalyx ‘EUC78’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• Prune early spring each year (in Sydney)
• Prune early spring each year or can be left unpruned to grow taller (Souther States only)
Plant Name Extra Care Details
Wingarra® Lomandra confertifolia ‘SIR5’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• Cut back to 15cm above ground every 3 years
• Occasional watering required for dry inland regions of WA & SA
Wyeena® Dianella tasmanica ‘TAS300’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• Cut back to 15cm above ground every 3 years
• Occasional watering required for dry inland regions of WA & SA
Plant Name Extra Care Details
Yalba™ Imperata cylindrica • Trim or slash yearly (Feb-Mar) to achieve masses of white flower plumes
Yareena™ Myoporum parvifolium ‘PARV01’ PBR • Use slow release fertiliser in spring (if required)
• Prune once every 2 years
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