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New Plants 2024

Specialised information for our all new Plant Releases for 2024.

To find your nearest propogator for each plant click here!

All Seasons Pink™ Mandevilla spp ‘MAN02’ PBR

All Seasons Pink™

Mandevilla spp ‘MANDI3018 Intended

A more cold tolerant Mandevilla with vibrant pink flowers.

All Seasons Red™ Mandevilla spp ‘MAND01’ PBR

All Seasons Red™

Mandevilla spp ‘MANDI301’ Intended

A more cold tolerant Mandevilla with deep red flowers.

Aussie Flat Bush™

Aussie Flat Bush™

Rhagodia spinescens ‘SAB01’ PBR

A low growing compact form of saltbush with blue foliage.

Aussie Hedge Bush™

Rhagodia spinescens‘SAB01’ PBR Intended

A more cold tolerant Mandevilla with deep red flowers.

Baby Breeze

Baby Breeze™

Dianella‘300.03’ PBR Intended

A low growing compact form of saltbush with blue foliage.

Blue Horizon™

Eremophila glabra prostrate ‘EREM1’ PBR

Denser ground cover form with less gaps and blue-grey foliage.



Chamaemelum nobile ‘MAC01’ PBR

Commonly used as a lawn alternative in shade, courtyard settings and amongst pavers.



Lagerstroemia spp ‘CM02’ PBR

A low growing compact form of saltbush with blue foliage.

Coastal Pink

Coastal Pink™

Correa alba ‘COR10’ PBR

A medium shrub or hedge with a strong growth habit.

Eskdale Blue

Eskdale Blue™

Poa spp.‘POL12

Tough and elegant landscape plant that requires no fuss.

Evergreen Baby

Evergreen Baby™

Lomandra labill. ‘LM600’ PBR

Compact, fine leaved and evergreen Lomandra and is perfect when a small but tough plant is needed.

Goldie Box™

Westringia fruticosa ‘WES11’ PBR

A low growing compact form of saltbush with blue foliage.

Grande Red

Grande Red™

Lagerstroemia spp ‘CM01’ PBR

Tough and elegant landscape plant that requires no fuss.

Grass Tree 310

Grass Tree 310™

Lomandra ‘LM301’ PBR

Ozbreed Flat White™ Pandorea is a dense, compact climber perfect for narrow spaces.

Green Dome

Green Dome™

Pittosporum tobira‘MUR01’ PBR Intended

A low growing compact form of saltbush with blue foliage.

Green Mist

Green Mist™

Phormium ‘PHOS6’ PBR

Tough and elegant landscape plant that requires no fuss.

Ground Hug

Ground Hug™

Myoprorum insulare ‘MYIN01′ PBR Intended

Ozbreed Flat White™ Pandorea is a dense, compact climber perfect for narrow spaces.



Hibbertia scandens ‘HBS01’ PBR Intended

A low growing compact form of saltbush with blue foliage.



Trachelospermum jasminoides‘TJ01’ PBR Intended

Tough and elegant landscape plant that requires no fuss.

Lady Tanika

Lady Tanika®

Lomandra longifolia ‘LM360’ PBR

Ozbreed Flat White™ Pandorea is a dense, compact climber perfect for narrow spaces.

Ozbreed Flat White

Ozbreed Flat White™

Pandorea jasminoides ‘PJ01’ PBR

Dense and compact climber and is perfect for narrow spaces.

Ozbreed Zen Grass

Ozbreed Zen Grass®

Zoysia spp. ‘ZOY01’ PBR

A low-maintenance, fast spreading alternative to traditional lawns.

Pinky Pink

Pinky Pink™

Lagerstroemia spp ‘CM03’ PBR

Ozbreed Flat White™ Pandorea is a dense, compact climber perfect for narrow spaces.



Poa spp. ‘POL11’ PBR

A low-maintenance plant with a compact form providing clear line of sight.

Safe Haven

Safe Haven™

Fraxinus griffithii ‘Frax01’ PBR Intended

Tough and elegant landscape plant that requires no fuss.

Shara Blue

Shara Blue™

Lomandra fluviatilis ‘LM380’ PBR

Ozbreed Flat White™ Pandorea is a dense, compact climber perfect for narrow spaces.

Space Saver

Space Saver™

Melaleuca armillaris ‘Mela01’ PBR

A low growing compact form of saltbush with blue foliage.



Hibbertia scandens ‘HBS02’ PBR intended

Tough and elegant landscape plant that requires no fuss.

Summer Rev

Summer Rev™

Dianella spp ‘Dian04’ PBR Intended

Ozbreed Flat White™ Pandorea is a dense, compact climber perfect for narrow spaces.

Sweet Privacy

Sweet Privacy™

Murraya paniculata ‘MP01’ PBR

A low maintenance screen or hedge with beautiful white flowers.

Thin Red

Thin Red™

Photinia x fraseri ‘NP01’ PBR

Narrow hedging plant and is perfect for narrow spaces.



Eremophila spp‘Erem01’ PBR Intended

Ozbreed Flat White™ Pandorea is a dense, compact climber perfect for narrow spaces.


Variegated Mundi™

Westringia fruticosa ‘WES09’ PBR

A low growing compact form of saltbush with blue foliage.

Velvet Sky

Velvet Sky™

Metrosideros collina ‘MB01’ PBR

Stunning blue velvet leaves and amazing inky blue stems.

White Box

White Box™

Westringia Fruticosa ‘WES10’ PBR

Ozbreed Flat White™ Pandorea is a dense, compact climber perfect for narrow spaces.


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