Browse Plants by Name for Native Plants Only
Browse Plants by Trade Name | Browse Plants by Botanical Name | Browse by Name for Native Plants Only
Below is a complete list of our Australian native plants arranged in alphabetical order by trade name.
For more information on Australian natives, we’ve put together the ultimate Australian native plants guide.
A – B – C – D – E – F – G – H – I – J – K – L – M – N – O – P – Q – R – S – T – U – V – W – X – Y – Z
Amber Velvet Anigozanthos hybrid ‘Amber Velvet’ PBR
Aussie Flat Bush™ Rhagodia spinescens ‘SAB01’ PBR
Aussie Rambler™ Carpobrotus glaucescens ‘CAR10’ PBR
Better John™ Callistemon viminalis ‘LJ1’ PBR
Blaze™ Dianella tasmanica ‘NPW2’ PBR
Blue Gem™ Westringia hybrid ‘WES03’ PBR
Blue Horizon™ Eremophila glabra prostrate ‘EREM1’ PBR
Breeze® Dianella caerulea ‘DCNC0’ PBR
Candy Burst™ Callistemon spp. ‘CNU06’ PBR Intended
Cassa Blue® Dianella caerulea ‘DBB03’ PBR
Cherry Cluster™ Grevillea rhyolitica x juniperina ‘ TWD01’ PBR
Clarity Blue™ Dianella hybrid ‘DP401’ PBR
Coastal Pink™ Correa alba ‘COR10’ PBR Intended
Crimson Villea™ Grevillea rosmarinifolia ‘H16’ PBR
Emerald Arch® Dianella tasmanica ‘DT23’ PBR
Evergreen Baby™ Lomandra labill. ‘LM600’ PBR
Everlasting Gold™ Anigozanthos hybrid ‘KP02’ PBR
Everlasting Mega Gold™ Anigozanthos hybrid ‘KP03’ PBR
Fire Bells™ Correa pulchella ‘COR11’ PBR Intended
FlatAz™ Grevillea hyrbid ‘GR01’ PBR Intended
Fluro Burst™ Callistemon spp. ‘CNU19’ PBR Intended
Gold Cluster Grevillea juniperina ‘H22’ PBR
Gold Velvet Anigozanthos hybrid ‘Gold Velvet’ PBR
Great White™ Lomandra longifolia ‘MURU’ PBR
Green John™ Callistemon viminalis ‘LJ23’ PBR
Grey Box™ Westringia fruticosa ‘WES04’ PBR
Icy Burst™ Callistemon spp. ‘CNU01’ PBR Intended
Katie Belles™ Lomandra hystrix ‘LHBYF’ PBR
Katrinus Deluxe Lomandra longfolia ‘Katrinus Deluxe’ PBR
King Alfred® Dianella caerulea ‘JOHN316’ PBR
Kingsdale™ Poa poiformis ‘PP500’ PBR
Little Jess™ Dianella caerulea ‘DCMP01’ PBR
Little Rev™ Dianella revoluta ‘DR5000’ PBR
Lucia™ Dianella caerulea ‘DC101’ PBR
Lucky Stripe™ Lomandra hystrix ‘LMV200’ PBR
Luscious® Tristaniopsis laurina ‘DOW10’ PBR
Low Horizon™ Westringia fruticosa ‘WES06’ PBR
Macarthur™ Callistemon viminalis ‘LC01’ PBR
Meema™ Hardenbergia violacea ‘HB1’ PBR
Mundi™ Westringia fruticosa ‘WES05’ PBR
Nafray® Pennisetum alopecuroides ‘PA300’ PBR
Naringa™ Westringia hybrid ‘WES01’ PBR
Nyalla® Lomandra longfolia ‘LM400’ PBR
Ocean Reef™ Hibbertia spicata ‘WA01’ PBR
Ozbreed Aussie Box® Westringia hybrid ‘WES08’ PBR
Ozbreed Flat White™ Pandorea jasminoides ‘PJ01’ PBR
Pennstripe™ Pennisetum alopecuroides ‘PAV300’ PBR
Pinnacle™ Syzigium australe ‘AATS’ PBR
Purple Fusion™ Scaevola humilis ‘PFS100’ PBR
Purple Lea® Pennisetum alopecuroides ‘PA400’ PBR
Red Alert™ Callistemon viminalis ‘KPS38’ PBR
Regal Velvet Anigozanthos hybrid ‘Regal Velvet’ PBR
Revelation® Dianella revoluta ‘DRG04’ PBR
Royal Rambler™ Grevillea hybrid ‘RR01’ PBR
Ruby Velvet™ Anigozanthos hybrid
Savanna Blue™ Lomandra filiformis ‘LMF500’ PBR
Scarlet Flame™ Callistemon viminalis ‘CC19’ PBR
Shara™ Lomandra fluviatilis ‘ABU7’ PBR
Slim™ Callistemon viminalis ‘CV01’ PBR
Snow Burst™ Callistemon spp. ‘CNU07’ PBR Intended
Straight and Narrow™ Syzygium australe ‘SAN01’ PBR Intended
Sublime™ Acmena smithii ‘DOW30’ PBR
Sweeper® Waterhousea floribunda ‘DOW20’ PBR
Sweet Burst™ Callistemon spp. ‘CNU15’ PBR Intended
Sweet Privacy™ Murraya paniculata ‘MP01’ PBR Intended
Tanika® Lomandra longfolia ‘LM300’ PBR
Tasred® Dianella tasmanica ‘TR20’ PBR
Tropic Cascade™ Lomandra hystrix ‘LHWP’ PBR
Variegated Tanika™ Lomandra longifolia ‘NPW3’ PBR
Wingarra® Lomandra contertifolia ‘SIR5’ PBR
Wyeena® Dianella tasmanica ‘TAS300’ PBR
Yalba™ Imperata cylindrica
Yareena™ Myoporum parvifolium ‘PARV01’ PBR