NYALLA® is a semi-compact fine leaf Lomandra
NYALLA® Lomandra longifolia ‘LM400’ 
A Great Grass Tree Alternative
Better for the environment as no more grass trees are dug up and it is quicker to establish.
An improved semi-compact fine leaf blue grey form of the popular Lomandra longifolia. Nyalla® Lomandra is 20% larger and is more upright than the popular Tanika.
It grows to 750mm high with a spread of 750mm. It has an attractive yellow flower head early in spring.
Grows well in full sun and moderate shaded positions. Tolerates windy and salt laden positions. Lives off natural rainfall in most populated areas of Australia. For desert inland type areas, occasional watering may be required. In very extreme droughts, occasional watering is required.
In raised or flat areas, it does well in sandy to clay soils. In depressed areas such as gullies, it is better to use free draining soils. It is best to avoid areas that get prolonged wet feet in Summer. Do not bury the crown of the plant when planting. Good for hot dry or humid areas and heavy frost cold areas.
Water as required to keep the plant healthy for the first 8 to 13 weeks. After this irrigation is optional for most populated areas of Australia. Do not excessively irrigate, making the soil wet for prolonged periods.
Trimming is rarely required, but if needed, trim using a sharp implement to 20cm above the ground. Avoid trimming in drought conditions, or in the middle of Summer. Fertilise with a slow release fertiliser early in Spring or Autumn.
Ideal for specimen planting or mass planting in gardens, roadsides, golf courses, factories, offices and most types of residential and commercial planting.
Ideal for patio pot plants and planter boxes. A great understory plant.
Nyalla® Lomandra’s foliage is great when used in vases as a foliage filler for cut flowers.
This website gives general information for the states/regions in Australia. For local information on which plants work in your area contact your local grower. Local grower knowledge is vital, this website is no substitute.
Heights shown on the website are for general gardening conditions. In well maintained gardens, some plants will get taller.
Download Nyalla® Lomandra spec sheets for your region.