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Shara Blue™ Lomandra Fluviatilis LM380 PBR
Shara Blue™ Lomandra Fluviatilis LM380 PBR
Shara Blue™ Lomandra Fluviatilis LM380 PBR
Shara Blue™ Lomandra Fluviatilis LM380 PBR
Shara Blue™ Lomandra Fluviatilis LM380 PBR
Shara Blue™ Lomandra Fluviatilis LM380 PBR
Shara Blue™ Lomandra Fluviatilis LM380 PBR

Lomandra Fluviatilis ‘LM380’ PBR Trade Name Shara Blue™

  • Resilient to wet soils and Phytophthora disease
  • Superior drought and frost tolerance
  • Clean blue foliage with minimal browning

Shara Blue™ Lomandra stands out with its exceptional resilience and ornamental appeal. Known for its durability, this plant thrives in wet, soggy soils and shows remarkable resistance to Phytophthora disease.

Its drought and frost tolerance make it an ideal choice for various climates. The clean, blue foliage retains its colour with minimal browning, offering a visually pleasing addition to any landscape. In spring, Shara™ Blue Lomandra blooms with masses of golden-yellow flowers that contrast beautifully against its blue foliage tones.

  • Size: 500mm high x 500mm wide
  • Planting Density: 4-6 plants per m²
  • Uses: Ideal for mass plantings, borders along fences, paths, and roads, bio-retention swales, rain gardens, slopes, kid-friendly gardens, rooftop gardens, and green walls.
  • Species: Lomandra Fluviatilis
  • Position: Best grown in full sun to partial shade. Tolerates a range of soil types, including wet soils, and is drought and frost tolerant.
  • Care: Water as required for 8-13 weeks until established. Prune in spring, autumn, or winter in milder climates. Responds well to cutting back even in summer but avoid this if possible. Use slow-release fertiliser in spring if needed.
  • Where it works: Adaptable across Australia, including Queensland’s humidity and Canberra’s cold.
  • Flowers: Produces masses of golden-yellow flowers in spring.

Read more on Lomandras’s

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03 9782 2404

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07 5442 3045

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04 5244 7481

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