Breeder Services
The Cycle of Innovation: Anatomy of New Plant Introduction
Have you selected, bred or otherwise cultivated a new landscape gardening plant variety that you think has potential to improve our landscapes?
At Ozbreed, we are committed to offering the horticulture industry the finest in new plant introductions from breeders around the world. We are constantly researching new plant selections for the betterment of the horticulture industry, and our landscapes. This is only possible because of you, the plant breeder.
How can we help?
We will custom tailor the best-fit program that ensures the highest level of success for your new plant selection. We provide a number of services for the Breeder including (but not limited to):
- plant trial/evaluation coordination
We have established relationships with universities, botanical gardens/ arboretums, private consultants and wholesale growers across the country and throughout the world that cooperate with us to evaluate a new plant for uniqueness, marketability, and landscape performance. This provides us the advantage of simultaneous plant data and exposure from multiple regions.
- filing plant patent applications
The patent application is typically a very arduous process that requires exhaustive attention to detail. Most individuals that attempt to file applications themselves find that there is simply too much time, effort and, in many cases, money needed to pursue a plant patent. One alternative is to employ the services of a patent attorney or patent professional which could cost anywhere from $4,000 to $8,000 (perhaps more) from initial filing to patent publication. Don’t let this be the obstacle that keeps you from earning the rewards of your hard work. We can help.
- grower relations (distribution)
In order for a plant program to be successful it is essential to collaborate with those growers that have the aptitude to cultivate, market, and distribute plant varieties similar to your selection. We spend a considerable amount of time consulting industry professionals to ensure partnerships with experienced wholesalers that assist in the introduction of your new plant. Simply put, working with those growers that have an inclination for growing and selling similar Genera, species, and/or cultivars maximizes the earning potential of a new plant.
- patent and royalty management
In order to preserve the integrity of a plant patent it is absolutely essential that the industry is monitored for illegal propagation and sale of plants by unauthorized parties. We are fully equipped to perform this and all other aspects of license management. From license negotiation to royalty administration, our team is prepared to represent your new plant.
- plant promotion and marketing
The defining difference in Ozbreed: We tend to take a more “grass roots” approach to marketing our plant programs (no pun intended). We go directly to landscape professionals (i.e., architects, designers, contractors, municipalities, government offices, etc.) to present new plant introductions. It is common place for us to participate in or host meetings for these professionals to introduce and educate them on our new plants; this has proven to be quite affective. Our comprehensive marketing strategy includes, but is not limited to: industry networking, direct promotional mailings, tradeshow exhibition, professional meetings, project visits, free consultation for landscape professionals that specify our introductions, and etcetera. It is this personal touch that you may not find with other agencies.
What is the process?
The typical steps to take your new landscape gardening plant to the horticulture trade:
- The breeder provides us with information about their plant selection; plant history, unique characteristics, propagation, and etcetera. Any information shared is kept private to preserve your future eligibility for patent protection.
- With the information gathered from our conversations we consult industry contacts and resources to research the market potential for the new plant.
- If together we decide to pursue a relationship then we will develop preliminary marketing and distribution plans for your plant based on our discussions, our independent research, and discussion with industry experts.
- The next step is to enlist the participation of interested growers to evaluate your plant for performance and marketability under a trial agreement. In most cases, these are propagators and/or wholesale nurseries that have the propensity for future production and sale of your plant.
- If trial results prove favorable, we will file for patent protection and begin the process of forging relationships with those young plant growers interested in a license to propagate and sell your plant (partner propagators) to wholesale nurseries.
- Simultaneously, we will begin to implement our marketing plan to create awareness of the new plant. At this point, our usual focus is on wholesale nurseries.
- Once our partner propagators have an effective level of planting stock, the plant is released to the industry and marketing efforts are expanded to include the professional, commercial, and retail markets.