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Nafray® Cenchrus purpurascens ‘PA300’

Cenchrus purpurascens ‘PA300’ Trade Name Nafray®

Formerly known as Nafray® Pennisetum alopecuroides ‘PA300’. Note: This name change may help stop confusion between Pennisetum setaceus (C. setaceus), the exotic weedy fountain grass, and the local native Cenchrus purpurascens.

Information on Australian National Botanical Gardens.

  • Tougher, more compact variety of native Pennisetum
  • Australian Native Swamp Foxtail, not the highly invasive P. setaceum Fountain Grass
  • Proven performer for over 10 years

Description: Nafray® Cenchrus is a native grass that has a finer texture, is more drought tolerant, more compact and has better winter colour than the common form. Its showy, feathery flower plumes appear from summer to autumn, and its roots are tough in both dry and wet positions such as bioswales and rain gardens.

NOTE: Do not get this native Australian Cenchrus confused with the invasive African variety (P. setaceum). The Australian varieties have a much wider plume than the exotic variety, and are a better choice.

In ideal conditions, this variety can regenerate from seed (e.g. Northern NSW/QLD or occasionally in other regions, in wet areas and excessively irrigated gardens).

It is not an environmental weed, however if you experience these conditions and prefer to avoid the chance of regeneration, remove spent flower heads as required and dispose of correctly. In drier times, the seed is less likely to germinate.

Like many native and non-native ornamental grasses, the seed heads have awns, that can allow the seed to stick to clothing or pets at certain times of the year. If this is a worry we suggest cutting the seed head off as it starts to drop. 

Size: 600mm high x 600mm wide.

Planting Density: 4-10 plants per m², 2-3 plants per linear metre.

Uses: Mass plantings for borders, rain gardens, bioswales, rockeries and roadsides. Erosion control, biodiversity support, and attractive movement in the wind.

Position: Full sun to part shade. Nafray® Cenchrus suits sandy to heavy clay soils. Tolerates frost, heat, humidity, drought and periodic wet feet.

Care: Water as required for 8-13 weeks until established. Plant in a well mulched garden (chunky mulch is recommended).

Use slow-release fertiliser in late winter. Trim back annually to 1/3 the size in late autumn to winter.

Where it works: NSW, ACT, QLD, VIC, SA, WA & TAS.


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Nafray dimensions

NAFRAY® Pennisetum alopecuroides 'PA300' PBR

Other Suggested Varieties:
Take a look at the whole Native Grasses range to decide which plant is best for you

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Pennisetum alopecuroides ‘PAV300’ 

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Pennisetum alopecuroides ‘PA400’ 

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Imperata cylindrica ‘ICL200’ 

Cream Lea® Pennisetum alopecuroides
Pennisetum alopecuroides

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