About the Breeder Name Company Suburb & State Your email Phone Mobile About the New Cultivar Common Name Genus & Species Trade Name Unique traits; how does your selection compare and differ to similar varieties? What is the plant's method(s) of propagation, i.e. vegative, seed, tissue culture, and etc.? Are there any known issues or problems with the plant, i.e. disease, insect, invasiveness, and etc.? Please describe the origin of your selection; breeding method and location: Is your selection protected by any intellectual property right, i.e. Plant Patent/Plant Breeders' Rights/Plants Variety Rights? If so, please detail the specifics (registered territory, date registered, registration numbers, etc.): Has the plant been offered for trial, sale or been sold? If so, please provide the details and date(s): Best Contact Time * Best Contact Method * —Please choose an option—PhoneMobileEmail