Revelation® Dianella revoluta ‘DRG04’ PBR
- Best performing Dianella through recent wet
- Cleaner blue green foliage with more flowers
- Revelation® Dianella can survive on natural rainfall
Description: Revelation® Dianella is medium sized with blue green foliage and small blue flowers from October to November.
Recent rains have caused disease in most Dianella revoluta types, but Revelation® Dianella has performed best in these conditions as it handles periodic wet feet much better.
It spreads slightly and has good erosion control capabilities strengthening the soil 135% (2007 Paananen, Layt; Study).
Size: 50 cm high x 50 cm wide.
Planting Density: 4-6 plants per m², 2-3 plants per linear metre.
Uses: Mass plantings, foliage or grassy gardens, commercial and residential.
Species: Dianella revoluta
Position: Full sun to part shade. Tolerates drought and frost. Revelation suits sandy, sandy loam and clay soil types. Avoid very poor soils. For raised, flat and depressed areas.
Care: Water as required for 8-13 weeks until established. Plant in a well mulched garden (chunky mulch is recommended). Ensure crown or base of plant is not below soil or mulch level.
If required use slow release fertiliser in spring. Revelation® Dianella can be cut back 15cm above the ground every 3-5 years if required (will look better with pruning every 3 years, this depends on your requirements).
Where it works: NSW, ACT, VIC, SA, WA, TAS & QLD (only for non humid regions like Toowoomba with free draining soil.)

Other Suggested Varieties:
Take a look at the whole Strappy Leaf range to decide which plant is best for you
Dianella tasmanica ‘NPW2’
Dianella caerulea ‘JOHN316’
Dianella revoluta ‘DR5000’
Dianella revoluta ‘DRG04’ ‘