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Savanna Blue™ Lomandra filiformis ‘LMF500’ PBR

  • Small Lomandra
  • Superb blue contrasting foliage
  • Contrasting foliage texture

Description: Savanna Blue™ Lomandra has a low height so is ideal as a border or ground cover for smaller modern gardens. It has a lovely texture and blue contrasting foliage.

It has performed better than other blue foliage confertifolia types, particularly in the wet.

Size: 30cm high x 30cm wide.

Planting Density: 6–12 plants per m², 4–6 plants per linear metre.

Uses: Mass plantings and specimen gardens.

Position: Full sun to part shade. Tolerates drought and frost. Savannah Blue™ Lomandra suits a wide variety of soils. Prefers free draining soils in humid regions like Sydney.

Care: Water as required for 8-13 weeks until established, then water in extreme drought. Plant in a well mulched garden (chunky mulch is recommended). Ensure crown or base of plant is not below soil or mulch level.

Use slow release fertiliser in spring if required. Trim older leaves as required and cut back halfway every 3-7 years (will look better with pruning every 3 years, this depends on your requirements).

Where it works: NSW, ACT, VIC, TAS, SA & WA.

SAVANNA BLUE™ Lomandra dimensions

SAVANNA BLUE™ Lomandra filiformis 'LMF500' PBR

Other Suggested Varieties:
Take a look at the whole Strappy Leaf range to decide which plant is best for you

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