Evaluation of Survivability of Different Landscape Plants in Various Wet Feet Conditions
Australian Study - Plants Surviving Extreme Wet Conditions
Shara™ Lomandra Survives Two Floods
Shara™ Lomandra continues to prove its incredible wet feet tolerance. Our in-ground production area at Ozbreed is situated in a low-lying area of the farm. These Shara™ plants were planted in September 2019 during a severe drought. Tested Australia-wide, we…
Evaluating Many Lomandra Types For Wet Feet Tolerance & Reliability
By Todd Layt Lomandra are known for their drought tolerance, general toughness, and low maintenance. Having Lomandra thrive in periodically wet feet; allows them to be used in drainage swales and other depressed areas; it generally eliminates masses of dead…
Shara™ – It’s One Tough Lomandra Through Drought & Flood
Shara™ Lomandra fluviatilis ‘ABU7’ PBR continues to prove its toughness and versatility. As you might already know our primary focus here at Ozbreed is breeding and research, aiming to produce the toughest and most tolerate plants on the market. We carry out many…
Phytophthora in Australia and Resistant Lomandras
Phytophthora is a root rot disease caused by the fungi Phytophthora cinnamomi. It is a major cause of die back in native vegetation and has significant impact in gardens as well. The disease is likely to have been brought into Australia with…
Raingarden Plant Selection
Raingarden Plant Selection (Updated) Rain gardens help to remove excessive nutrients from water runoff before they enter our waterways, reducing erosion and pollution. Rain gardens catch water from roofs and other hard surfaces and filter water through its layers of…