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Testing of Plants for Salt Tolerance
The table below shows which plants can tolerate having 18 applications of 60% and 90% strength seawater applied to them over a 4 month period.
The best are at the top of the table, but all plants except those in the shaded area based on this investigation, would be good for coastal areas with salt-laden winds, or for use with reasonably elevated levels of salty water.
Botanical Name | Trade Name | Average percentage damage from 18 applications of 60% and 90% salt water. |
Dianella caerulea ‘John 316’ | King Alfred | Best performer 8.5 |
Lomandra longifolia ‘LM400’ | Nyalla | 9.5 |
Lomandra confertifolia ‘Sir 5’ | Wingarra | 12.5 |
Dianella caerulea ‘DCMP01’ | Little Jess | 15 |
Lomandra long. ‘Katrinus Deluxe’ | Katrinus Deluxe | 15 |
Dianella caerulea ‘DCNC0’ | Breeze | 15 |
Pennisetum alopecuroides’Nafray’ | Nafray | 16.25 |
Dianella revoluta ‘DR5000’ | Little Rev | 17.25 |
Poa labilardieri ‘Eskdale’ | Eskdale | 17.5 |
Dianella tasmanica ‘TR20’ | Tasred | 20 |
Lomandra longifolia ‘LM300’ | Tanika | 20 |
Lomandra hystrix ‘LHBYF’ | Katie Belles | 20 |
Dianella caerulea ‘DBB03’ | Cassa Blue | 22.75 |
Anigozanthos flavidus | Gold Velvet | 45 |
Lomandra filiformis ‘LMF500’ | Savanna Blue | 100 |
This investigation provides evidence that many Ozbreed plants can cope with relatively high salt laden winds, or reasonable amounts of salty water.
It does not quantify how much salt water in parts per million each plant can tolerate over a long period, but it does indicate which plants would tolerate higher levels of salt water in general.
For example, if someone was using a salty bore, or grey water with high salt content, it would be safer to use one of the plants that scored better in this test.
If a coastal site needed to be revegetated, it would also be safer to use one of the plants that scored better in this test.
The following plants are recommended as highly salt tolerant plants based on common knowledge and natural occurance in saline locations:
- Grey Box™ Westringia
- Mundi™ Westringia
- Naringa™ Westringia
- Ozbreed Aussie Box® Westringia
- Blue Gem™ Westringia
- Low Horizon™ Westringia
- Cosmic White™ Rhaphiolepis
- Cosmic Pink™ Rhaphiolepis
- Aussie Rambler™ Carpobrotus
Click Here to see our Top 10 Salt Tolerant Plants – By State
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